How to Set up a 'hidden primary' DNS
I just had to guide a friend of mine trough the setup of a ‘hidden primary’ or ‘hidden master’ via mail, so I thought I’d also post a quick summary here to keep my blog alive
First off: A ‘hidden primary’ setup, uses one server for all zone-file changes that isn’t listed anywhere and doesn’t get any queries from clients, and two or more ‘slaves’ that do the actual work. Have a look at this example zone-file:
The host is my ‘hidden primary’. As you can see, it’s not listed as NS, so it won’t get queries from actual client resolvers. ns[2,3] are my name-servers for this zone, configured as slaves.
The ‘hidden primary’ config looks like:
Whereas a ‘slave’ config looks like:
If your Infrastructure isn’t large enough to take responsibility for 3 public DNS servers, you might want to have a look at InterNetworX. I’m running their servers as ‘slaves’ for a few months now. Their support team is great and I haven’t had any issue within years!